1974 Fairfield Hospital Induction Manual
Ed Kavanagh, along with Cecil Wherry and John Toman who were his nursing officers, jointly compiled the manual in 1974 because new staff were coming to the hospital from many different countries. It would have been given to a new employee to learn about the hospital and surrounding areas. This manual contains everything they would need to know if it was their first time working at the hospital.

A Place In The Country
A Place In The Country, written by Judith Pettigrew, Rory W. Reynolds, and Sandra Rouse, deals with the in depth history of the Three counties Asylum and covers the opening in 1860 until its closure in 1998. An excellent book with many photographs and personal stories.
Cold Baths Don’t Work
Cold Baths Don’t Work is a history of mental health care in the Hitchin area. A very interesting and highly detailed book with many fascinating case histories, black and white and colour photographs, and details of the author's time working at Fairfield Hospital.
Fairfield Hospital Centenary Book
The Fairfield Hospital Centenary Book was first published in 1960 to celebrate the first one hundred years of the asylum. The book was written by the Rev Arthur Monk, aged 67, who was the resident chaplain. He caused a national scandal when he ran away with a young girl aged just 19 who worked at a chemist shop in nearby Letchworth.

Proposals for Redevelopment
This book was prepared by the original owners of the site, NHS Executive: Anglia and Oxford, and the original prospective buyers of the site, The Wiggins Group Plc. This project book is full of hand drawn plans showing all aspects of the old asylum with areas to be kept, demolished, tree and planted areas, full history of the asylum and why it qualified for Grade II listing status. Also, who the project team and companies were and their involvement in the project. There are chapters on the condition of the listed buildings, including discussions with English Heritage and the county conservation officer. There are many differences between the original plans and how the asylum and the surrounding areas were finally developed. The book size is 16.5 inches x 12 inches.
Six Bullets
This is a very rare book indeed, called Six Bullets. The title is taken from a poem by Paul Daly. The book is the work of The Fairfield Writers and David R. Morgan.
Sticks And Stones
Sticks And Stones is an excellent book by Lawrence Butterfield, who worked at Fairfield Hospital. Laurence started as a porter and made his way to senior nurse in mental health, before moving on to work as social inclusion lead for Middlesbrough Council and later as mental health advisor on the television programme Emmerdale (the character Zak Dingle had suffered a mental brake down, and it was Lawrence's job to make sure this was portrayed in an sympathetic and authentic way). The book includes a great piece about his time at Fairfield Hospital.
The Three Counties Hospital Gas Works 1857-1952
This is a fascinating book, published in 2012, about the hospital gas works. It's well researched and contains everything you would need to know from gas lighting to burners called Batwing and Fishtail, its all here.