A postcard of the London Chest Clinic, which moved into the old Emergency Hospital buildings in 1947 as it needed a countryside retreat for its convalescing patients. By the mid 1960s the chest clinic had handed back all the hutted area and out buildings to what was then Fairfield Hospital.

A colour multi-view postcard, posted in  May 1908, showing the asylum chapel (St Luke's), a nice wide shot of the Asylum front, and Arlesey high street with the Asylum entrance on the right.

A black and white variant of the postcard above.

A very early postcard taken from the Arlesey High Street entrance. The asylum looks to be near to the entrance, but in reality it is quite a long way away.

A view of Station Road, Arlesey, with the railway lines on the left hand side coming from the Three Counties Station and leading up to the asylum. The Lamb pub on the left has since been demolished, as has Arlesey cinema on the right and the Brick Ground pub on the right.

An early view of the main entrance.

Below is a fantastic, unused, Three Counties Station postcard. The station has since been completely demolished, as is evident from the photo below the postcard, which was taken on 12th May 2009. To the right, in the background, are the pointed pointed roofs of the brick built locomotive workshops, still visible in the 2009 picture. However, the the famous brick ground chimneys on the left had been demolished by 2009.

A stunning Three Counties Asylum postcard. There is no clock tower above the main entrance, dating the postcard to sometime after 1902.

Another fantastic original postcard of the Three Counties Asylum, stamped and postmarked 1913, showing nurses and doctors taking a stroll. A rare look into the past that shows actual members of staff possibly just taking break. It looks to be a sunny day, although it must be breezy as the nurses' full dress uniforms are blowing in the wind, with one nurse is holding her hat on!

A Fairfield Hospital postcard from the 1970s. 

An unusual view below looking towards the main entrance. The original railings to the right of the picture were removed and replaced.