Below are photographs of the asylum during the very early stages of redevelopment, some courtesy of Peter from

Male wing looking east
Male wing looking west
End of male wing
Male wing door
Rear of male wing
Sanitary towers
Female wing looking east
End of female wing
Female wing
Female wing looking west
Workshops near sanitary towers
Cricket pavilion

More pictures taken in March 2007 showing main building and areas still to be refurbished.

HBH crest. This stands for the three counties of Hertfordshire Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire.

Higher window of toilet block, F2, looking out to the back of the main building, 1974.
Window opposite the kitchen and ward office looking onto the main kitchens of the main buildings. The kitchen was originally the church before St Luke's was built, 1974.
1st floor window, F2, looking out of lounge, 1974.